Rule of Life
Father Gerardo di Flumeri
1. It consists in Vitinia - Rome, Via Castel Guelpho 53/55 Catholic Association "The Disciples of Padre Pio," in which each member is committed to assist the man "himself." The Association has been recognized in accordance with can.299 and 321-326 CIC On 23/01/2003 the card. Vicar of Rome, prot.73 / 03.
2. "lonely man" means man or woman, young, old or older, who, disappointed by life, has lost the sense of human and Christian existence and lives in a state of loneliness and despair. The preferences of the Association go to young people, particularly afflicted by hardship and loneliness.
3. The Association, which is not for profit and non-partisan, pursues exclusively charitable purposes, in light of the teachings of the Church and in the Franciscan spirit in the wake of the spirituality of Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina.
4. Therefore, the Association has two characteristics: it is Catholic and Franciscan.
4.1 As a Catholic, is at the service of the church built in the parish of Vitinia dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Agony. It also aims to increase the membership and humans "only" the life of divine grace, developing in them the practice of the theological virtues: faith, hope and charity, as he lived Padre Pio. Without faith it is impossible to please God, and there is no way to give birth to the Christian hope and enjoy the authentic supernatural charity.
4.2 As a Franciscan, the Association is committed to following basic lines of the spirituality of the first stigmatized priest, made out of love for God and neighbor, to follow Christ crucified, a spirit of sacrifice and filial obedience to the Holy Mother Church.
5. In order to achieve its aims of helping man "only" wherever they may be, the Association has in mind to build "houses" in Italy and abroad. Of these the first is the "House of Hospitality Padre Pio" founded in Vitinia - Rome, 11 May 1997. Every home should integrate in their own parish and should be a place where he finds shelter and comfort the man "only" rich or poor as it is, in the arms of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina in the company of his spiritual children.
6. The host of Man "only" access. However, those who can are urged to contribute to the costs of hospitalization, in the spirit of Christian charity and human solidarity.
7. In any case it is envisaged:
7.1 the existence of a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament, where the man "only" in the sight of God and in the silence of his conscience, may find himself and acquire novel energy to return to live peacefully in society, and where the members of 'Association to perform their devotions;
7.2 the establishment of libraries, sports facilities, and more useful and necessary to help the man "just" out of his solitude;
7.3 the establishment of accommodation facilities in favor of those who constantly need the warmth and harmony of a family;
7.4 organizing support activities at hospitals, designed to give a sincere and selfless help to those who need it.
8. To achieve these and other tasks that may arise in the future, the Association aims to provide a serious and professional service, ensuring qualified staff, is expected to priority the presence of a priest, preferably a cappuccino, a doctor and a psychologist.
9. To improve the appearance Catholic Association are provided training courses on the teaching of the Church, especially in its social teaching.
10. To feed the Franciscan spirit of the Association, will be organized teaching courses on the life and spirituality of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. They will also be offered pilgrimages and spiritual meetings in San Giovanni Rotondo, Pietrelcina, in Lanciano and Monte Sant'Angelo.
11. The Association will Unwind activities other than those listed above, except those directly related.
12. The Association has an obligation to take profits and surpluses for the institutional activities and those related thereto. Due to its characteristics of Catholic and Franciscan, the Association is and shall be governed in accordance with the canons 298-311 of the Code of Canon Law.
13. Members are persons of age with proven Catholic faith, whose application must be accepted by the competent authority of the Association.
14. The members are divided into two categories: ordinary and volunteers:
14.1 The ordinary members are faithful adults who will issue the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience;
14.2 they are male and female;
14.3 the male members permanently dwell in a house separate from that for the female members of it and can play the apostolate to the man "just" according to their abilities and skills under the guidance of a director (more) . To better wait for the performance of their apostolate will commit to improve their religious and cultural formation. For them it is also open the possibility of entering the priesthood, always with the explicit permission of the competent authority of the Association. And 'common ground that the procedure to follow to enter the priesthood is required by the Code of Canon Law and the practice of the local church;
14.4 Members female dwell permanently in a house separate from that for the male members and also they will carry out the apostolate in favor of man "only" according to their abilities and skills, under the guidance of a leader (superior ) local. To better wait for the performance of their apostolate, will undertake to improve their religious and cultural formation;
14.5 All ordinary members, both male and female, usually wearing a white robe, with white cap and blue band. The Barefoot Sandals are left to the free choice;
14.6 in imitation of Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina seek to nurture a love for the crucified Jesus and Jesus in the Eucharist. Also nourish a filial love for Mary Immaculate and a confidant devotion to the Guardian Angel;
Therefore, each day will devote an hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and recite the entire Rosary of fifteen items in honor of the Mother of God. It is also applied for half an hour spiritual reading.
The time for these devotional practices will be determined by domestic law of each house. In each house never miss the daily celebration of Holy Mass.
15. The volunteer members are all those faithful and older who want to bring free and ad tempus their work in a House of Hospitality in partnership with the ordinary members and always in the wake of the spirituality of Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina.
So too are dedicated to the same practices of piety. They will carry on the chest, on the outside of the dress secular badge with the image of Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina and written circular "Disciples of Padre Pio." People do not age will be welcomed as volunteer members.
16. The qualification of a member or a member of both ordinary and voluntary is lost:
16.1 resigns;
16.2 for exclusion from certain conduct contrary to the spirit of the Association.
Competent to decide on the exclusion and the legitimate authority of the Association.
15. 'was already clarified the concept of man "only" (2). Here we add that the Association provides assistance Man "only" not only without distinction of sex, but also of religion, race and culture.
16. The activities of the Association is universal humanitarian and Christian.
17. However, it is worth pointing out that, preferably, the medium male should be welcomed in a house run by ordinary members of the same sex; while the assisted women must be hosted in a house run by ordinary members of the female sex.
18. Their stay in a house of welcome should be determined by their spiritual and physical needs and governed by domestic law of each house. The final judgment is reserved to the Director / Director of the home, which must always be guided by motives of charity, in the spirit of St. Pio of Pietrelcina and in accordance with the aims of the Association.
19. The competent authorities or organs are:
a) the Assembly;
b) The President or the President;
c) the Advisory Council.
20. They are part of the Assembly all the ordinary members, men and women, who, without distinction, the same rights and duties. To attend the meeting and have the right to vote, members must have ordinary vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, and must have made their membership in the Association by accepting its aims and its laws.
20.1 As long as there will be regular members, the Assembly will be formed by
volunteer members who have given their availability in a given timeframe.
21. 'task of the Assembly:
a) elect the President or the President (the main task);
b) to elect the Advisory Council
c) approve the program of activities to be performed;
d) approve the budget;
e) to approve the final budget;
f) approve whether or not to found a new home;
g) decide on all acts of extraordinary administration;
h) To approve amendments to the bylaws.
22. The Ordinary General Meeting shall be called by the President at least once a year, in the month of June. The notice of meeting containing the agenda, shall be communicated by the President to each member / at least fifteen days before the day fixed. The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the President on his own initiative or at the request of one third of the members and of the members entitled to vote. This call will be made by the President with recommended, even by hand, at least fifteen days before the day fixed for all members / s.
23. The Assembly decides with validity:
23.1 In the first call, with the favorable vote of shareholders and members representing at least half plus one of the members; and on the second call, by the affirmative vote of a majority of those present, irrespective of the number of participants;
23.2 The exceptions are statutory changes, for which you need the Extraordinary General Meeting, acting in both the first and second call, with the votes in favor of shareholders / s, ordinary / and ordinary and representing at least 50% (fifty percent) plus one member / of the shareholders entitled to. The main task of the Assembly is to elect the President or the President.
24. The President or the President is elected / to the Assembly and must be a partner / in ordinary / a. And 'the highest authority of the Association, which manages and is the legal representative for all purposes, with third parties and in legal proceedings.
25. In the event of his absence or disability, the President may delegate to another member or regular partner / in some of its functions.
26. The President or the President, as well as to implement the resolutions of the Assembly, provides for the normal running of the Association, direct and supervise the administration of all social and take the urgent measures necessary for the practical implementation of the tasks for the social and 'implementation of the resolutions of the Assembly.
27. The President or the President shall convene the Assembly of law, shall appoint a secretary and chair of the meetings law.
28. The term of office is three years and is only re-elected for another three years. Permanent residence in the headquarters of the Mother "Hospitality House Padre Pio" Via Castel Guelph 53/55 in Vitinia, Rome.
In view of the moral authority of the founder, it is proposed that Mrs. Irene Gaeta is president for life, unless they renounce voluntarily to the office.
29. The Advisory Council is elected by the Assembly and is composed of five members, chosen from among the ordinary members and ordinary members. His main task is to work with the President or the President to the good performance of the Association. Lasts three years and is re-elected, in whole or in part, only for another three years.
30. Together with the President or the Chairman, the Advisory Council:
30.1 take those measures useful and necessary for the smooth running of the Association;
30.2 has technical tasks and propaganda and organizational activities approved by the Assembly;
30.3 shall act on applications for admission of new members and members and any exclusions;
30.4 shall meet when convened by the President or the President.
31. Director or Director means the partner or the partner in charge / in the government of a house for the reception of members must have its Director as each House of Hospitality for members must have its Director.
32. The designated / a by the President with his Advisory Council and holds office for three years, only re-elected for another three years.
33. Directs the home in a spirit of charity, subject to the civil and ecclesiastical laws. With members of the House prepares an internal regulation (schedules, community prayers, etc.), Which all are bound to observe. It shall report its actions to the President of the Association and the Advisory Council.
34. The administration of the whole Association is entrusted to an elected treasurer or treasurer / a by the President with his Advisory Council. And 'charge / to the exactions and revenue and the company's assets and expenses to be carried out as instructed by the President. Lasts three years and is only re-elected for another three years.
35. The Association draws economic resources for its operation or for the conduct of its activities by:
a) voluntary contributions of patients;
b) contributions by individuals;
c) contributions from the State, public authorities or public institutions,
d) contributions to international organizations;
e) donations and bequests;
f) reimbursement that conventions;
g) income from business or marginal production.
36. The treasurer or the treasurer shall keep the records and, together with the President and with the Advisory Council, shall prepare an annual budget and a final, which must be approved by the Assembly within three months of the end of the fiscal year. The fiscal year runs from October 1 to June 30 of each year.
37. Each house will have its treasurer or the treasurer of the local, which under the leadership of the respective Director or the relevant Director, will provide for its good performance in terms of economics and finance. The President or the President has the right to choose its own secretary / a separate / a treasurer / a.
38. The assets consist of cash, movable and immovable property and any other present and future activities, which for any reason may be sent to the Association.
39. This may accept gifts, grants and contributions from any public or private body; can enjoy all the benefits provided for by law and by Community, state, regional, provincial and municipal.
40. Also part of the surplus assets management is not transferred to subsequent years.
41. The duration of the Association is unlimited.
42. The dissolution of the Assembly may be deliberate or it may be desired by the ecclesiastical authorities.
43. In the event of dissolution all assets constituting the assets of the company belonging to the Association, shall be allocated to the various parishes in which there are the House of Hospitality Association.